Welcome to the PeerZone Toolkit website

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An introduction to the PeerZone Toolkit

An outline of the resources

PeerZone is a New Zealand based peer-led social enterprise that develops resources and supports for people with mental distress and the people who support them (www.peerzone.info). Our services include one-to-one peer support, peer-led workshops, and our toolkit of resources (formerly known as Swell). The toolkit development has been funded by four mental health NGOs in Australia (EACH and Mind Australia), Canada (Canadian Mental Health Association) and New Zealand (Emerge Aotearoa).

The resources cover 52 challenges in nine life domains. They are designed for an international English speaking audience of people with mental distress and the people who support them.

The resources focus on the formal evidence as well as lived experience perspectives and are designed to offer people strategies to manage their mental distress, their physical health and their whole lives – including housing, employment and social participation. These resources can be used in an individual or group setting.

Feedback on the completed resources from development customers has been very positive.

For each challenge the information will include:
  • What works in resolving the challenge with links to further resources (2 pages)
  • A brief activity for people with mental distress to explore and resolve the challenge (1-3 pages)
  • A conversation guide or supporter’s guide for supporters (1 page)
  • A peer recovery story (1 page)

A description of the content for each challenge

What works (WW)

The evidence and experience of what works in resolving or managing the challenge – for people with mental distress and their supporters.

Activity sheet (AS)

An activity to explore the challenge and ways to resolve or manage – for people with mental distress.

Conversation Guide or Supporter’s Guide (CG)

Supporter’s guides (for challenges 1, 2, 27, 32, 33 and 42 to 52) developed in 2017 in response to development customer feedback that the conversation guides were wordy and not as useful as the other papers. These guides mimic the activity sheets and are designed to explore the challenge with people who don’t like filling in sheets.

Conversation guides (all other challenges) developed in 2016.

Both written for a supporter audience.

Recovery story (RS)

Real life stories written by people with experience of mental distress – for both audiences.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch: